Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Solar Eclipse. July 22.

There are two kinds of folks. Those who think the Eclipse does terrible things. Then there's those that think it does nothing.

Decided to check it out. Watched the energy of it. What the Solar Eclipse alignment does is dampen the outer energies and gives the earth shaktis greater play.

For mineral energies the effect is interesting. Almost electric. For plants and lizards it offers renewal. A renegotiation. For the consciousness of the earth, it's vitalising. For us humans the actual effect is minimal for the kind of forces that really thrive on this aren't linked up with the small pond, that is our universe. And it's only those who have really heavy soul twists who will be impacted.

Now the effect it does have is a mixed bag. While it allows subconscious filth greater access, it also makes that easier to spot. It tinges things with lostness but it also lets in greater depth. So making love at eclipse time appears to be particularly powerful. But the children will be less tame, less obedient. Going beyond the soul a trifle easier. Loosing certitudes easier. Meeting the shaktis simpler.

PS: Looked at the semi cut sun. Kinda hurt the eyes.

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