Ochre-ing and Buffy’s red root therapy.
One of Celia’s cousins, {also into healing and spirituality} sent us a picture of herself going through a shamanistic practice {rediscovered by the new age} called Ochreing. And what is Ochreing? Simple, take off your clothes and get someone to cover you in mud.
The mud chosen is often from a hot spring and so is often a sulphurous yellow, though the connoisseurs of mud have preferences from red earth, dead sea mud… to being buried by sea sand.
The variation of substances used to cover oneself is broader than mud… In India, Tantrics often use ash, and in some cases ashes of someone who’s died. In some cases of the high north, animal fat is used… Cleopatra did it in milk, a ghastly Vlad princess used the blood of peasants. Other potent substances include menstrual blood and urine. The most common one, not thought of as ochreing in India, is the oil bath.
The broad effect ochreing {The classic mud variation} has on the aura is 2 fold.
1. It causes a ball of blazing energy to form at the root chakra area.
2. It causes the etheric aura to grow and brighten. The colour tinge varies and becomes a trifle purplish.
Not surprising for Ochreing conceals many potent psychic acts:-
The act of taking off one’s clothes. {The mere act of taking off one’s clothes gets the root chakra cone between the legs to lengthen a few inches.}
The act of allowing the energy of mud to work on one. {This causes deep earth charkas to light and can cleanse the skin.}
The act of standing before someone else naked. {This principally affects the back of sacral chakra & solar plexus egoic complex.}
The act of being touched by another’s hands. {This {do u need to be told?} principally affects the root & heart chakras.}
Now ochreing is an attempt to reach back to a more earthy, natural, animal self. And so it’s not something that came from humans, but is a gift from animal and earthly forces.
Sometime back, we’d taken Buffy on a ten km walk, around the Varthur lake, since the dogs kept running and crissssssssscrosssssssing. They probably did 20 kms more. Buffy was exhausted. Instead of just curling up, she spent a good half an hour digging a pit in Nishi’s garden. Then she settled into it. Ten minutes later her root chakra was glowing a brilliant red, and her whole aura was brighter. Ochreing was in her bones.
Now since many of you have neither the time or the inclination to go ochreing a simpler but less exciting solution is at hand. Gardening. Uses your bare hands to dig the mud and squish the slush. You get almost 60% of the aura benefit, from this absurdly homely task! Which as you now see is fairly pagan. So the next time someone tells you they’re going gardening or having an oil bath, you know what they are upto!
Was reading some statistics the other day, and it said that roughly 65% of Indians live in one or two room homes. And that means that both Indian children are tangentially more aware of sexual activity. It also means that growing adolescents and young adults are less aware of their bodies. Many have to have baths with at least some clothes on. Many don’t have a full-length mirror and so have had no visual take on themselves. And so one of the most potent acts of self-awareness we’ve often recommended has simply been the act of looking at oneself in a mirror and reveling in one’s nakedness.
When you add to this the fact that many orthodox traditions in India like those abroad believe that the sole justification for sexuality is to have children, one begins to see how the simplest acts are sometimes so laden with meaning.
We humans live our lives by rules sometimes inconceivably distorted to our animal selves, enchaining ourselves, amputating ourselves… and yet however deep the cut, deeper lies the cure, for none can stop the earth from whispering in our blood, or drumming in our bones.
The mud chosen is often from a hot spring and so is often a sulphurous yellow, though the connoisseurs of mud have preferences from red earth, dead sea mud… to being buried by sea sand.
The variation of substances used to cover oneself is broader than mud… In India, Tantrics often use ash, and in some cases ashes of someone who’s died. In some cases of the high north, animal fat is used… Cleopatra did it in milk, a ghastly Vlad princess used the blood of peasants. Other potent substances include menstrual blood and urine. The most common one, not thought of as ochreing in India, is the oil bath.
The broad effect ochreing {The classic mud variation} has on the aura is 2 fold.
1. It causes a ball of blazing energy to form at the root chakra area.
2. It causes the etheric aura to grow and brighten. The colour tinge varies and becomes a trifle purplish.
Not surprising for Ochreing conceals many potent psychic acts:-
The act of taking off one’s clothes. {The mere act of taking off one’s clothes gets the root chakra cone between the legs to lengthen a few inches.}
The act of allowing the energy of mud to work on one. {This causes deep earth charkas to light and can cleanse the skin.}
The act of standing before someone else naked. {This principally affects the back of sacral chakra & solar plexus egoic complex.}
The act of being touched by another’s hands. {This {do u need to be told?} principally affects the root & heart chakras.}
Now ochreing is an attempt to reach back to a more earthy, natural, animal self. And so it’s not something that came from humans, but is a gift from animal and earthly forces.
Sometime back, we’d taken Buffy on a ten km walk, around the Varthur lake, since the dogs kept running and crissssssssscrosssssssing. They probably did 20 kms more. Buffy was exhausted. Instead of just curling up, she spent a good half an hour digging a pit in Nishi’s garden. Then she settled into it. Ten minutes later her root chakra was glowing a brilliant red, and her whole aura was brighter. Ochreing was in her bones.
Now since many of you have neither the time or the inclination to go ochreing a simpler but less exciting solution is at hand. Gardening. Uses your bare hands to dig the mud and squish the slush. You get almost 60% of the aura benefit, from this absurdly homely task! Which as you now see is fairly pagan. So the next time someone tells you they’re going gardening or having an oil bath, you know what they are upto!
Was reading some statistics the other day, and it said that roughly 65% of Indians live in one or two room homes. And that means that both Indian children are tangentially more aware of sexual activity. It also means that growing adolescents and young adults are less aware of their bodies. Many have to have baths with at least some clothes on. Many don’t have a full-length mirror and so have had no visual take on themselves. And so one of the most potent acts of self-awareness we’ve often recommended has simply been the act of looking at oneself in a mirror and reveling in one’s nakedness.
When you add to this the fact that many orthodox traditions in India like those abroad believe that the sole justification for sexuality is to have children, one begins to see how the simplest acts are sometimes so laden with meaning.
We humans live our lives by rules sometimes inconceivably distorted to our animal selves, enchaining ourselves, amputating ourselves… and yet however deep the cut, deeper lies the cure, for none can stop the earth from whispering in our blood, or drumming in our bones.
Wonderful insight. I will definitely try this out and tell others as well!
P.S: No wonder, Osho was so popular. His stunts actually worked for the firangs who flocked to him!
Hi Tarun, Celia and Buffy
It truly is an intense article with multiple implications in the world we live.
If we take the simple comparision of Indian and western acceptance of flesh-show; we would find some very contrasting societal conditioning staring right into our face.
It is very normal for a western woman to dress up skimpily in public and be comfortable with herself.Even the people around her are not feeling "uncomfortable". They dont start ogling at her. There is a large degree of comfort and acceptance in western society about this(Less Disturbance of chakras)
Contrarily, if a similar thing happens in a normal Indian city, there would be a shift in everyones root, crown and heart chakras(just kidding).So, much of disturbance in the chakras! Not to mention tha amount of pain it would cause to the lady for trying out the new outfit...
I think we Indians as a society are very much sex starved due to the high degree of taboo elders put during one's adoloscence. Its really surprising that some people are virgins till their early thirties also. I am not recommending anything here...However, this suppression of the natural being leads to an imbalance within oneself. One does not accept himself more...One does not like to see himself naked (even in front o the mirror).
This article is really an eye opener in terms of how one can start accepting himself or herself. There in lies the key to accept others and welcome them into his/her life.
Thanks Tarun, Celia and Buffy for this amazing post!
PS: I am currently in Zurich and probably thats why I penned my views the way I did...
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